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    Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
    Detailed Product Description

    Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
    1.Closed Loop PID temperature control with visible LCD display.
    2. Each heating cycle is triggered by a real time pressure sensor.
    3. Floating thermode ensures consistent pressure and heat transfer between
    thermode head and the parts to be joined.
    4.Silicon rubber can be fitted in bonding Heat Seal Connectors between LCD
    and PCB.
    5.Standard workpiece holder is mounted on a linear guideway and designed
    to allow for easy changeover and repeatable operation. 


    Specification :



             Standard working area


    Working pressure


    Temperature setting


    Temperature precision


    Heated-press time


    Thermode pressure




    Product Categories
                                          Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
                                          Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
                                          Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
                                          Detailed Product Description

                                          Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine - Pcb Welding Machine Bonding Machine Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on pcbcutting.com Electronics Production Machinery-YSHP-1S
                                          1.Closed Loop PID temperature control with visible LCD display.
                                          2. Each heating cycle is triggered by a real time pressure sensor.
                                          3. Floating thermode ensures consistent pressure and heat transfer between
                                          thermode head and the parts to be joined.
                                          4.Silicon rubber can be fitted in bonding Heat Seal Connectors between LCD
                                          and PCB.
                                          5.Standard workpiece holder is mounted on a linear guideway and designed
                                          to allow for easy changeover and repeatable operation. 


                                          Specification :



                                                   Standard working area


                                          Working pressure


                                          Temperature setting


                                          Temperature precision


                                          Heated-press time


                                          Thermode pressure




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                                          YUSH Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. Pomeas Optical Technology Copyright 2016
                                          CONTACT US
                                          Contacts:Eva Liu +86 13416743702
                                          Email:sales@yushunli.com evaliu@hk-yush.com
                                          Company Address:Address: Building H, GuoRui Pioneering
                                          Park, No. 1068 Jinyang East Road, Lujia Town, Kunshan,
                                          YUSH Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. Pomeas Optical Technology Copyright 2016